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Frederick Lewis Allen, "Only Yesterday"

HaulS 2023. 11. 2.

[1920년 800만 파운드에 불과했던 미국 공장의 레이온 생산량은 1925년에는 5,300만 파운드에 달했습니다. 살색 스타킹은 짧은 치마만큼이나 표준이 되었습니다 ... 연간 총 가족 소득이 1,638달러인 노동자의 아내는 미들타운의 작가에게 "어떤 여학생도 고등학교에 면 스타킹을 신을 수 없습니다. 겨울에도 우리 아이들은 안쪽에 리슬이나 모조품이 달린 실크 스타킹을 신습니다." [프레드릭 루이스 앨런, "오직 어제만", 1931년]


[T]he production of rayon in American plants, which in 1920 had been only eight million pounds, had by 1925 reached fifty-three million pounds. The flesh-colored stocking became as standard as the short skirt. ... No longer were silk stockings the mark of the rich; as the wife of a workingman with a total family income of $1,638 a year told the authors of Middletown, "No girl can wear cotton stockings to high school. Even in winter my children wear silk stockings with lisle or imitations underneath." [Frederick Lewis Allen, "Only Yesterday," 1931]

